Talkative Bok!

RULES Be good to each other Use a good language Don't put any spam or advertisement Chatters are explains to be cheerful and not to moody Don't put to many *mad* symbol or not I will delete the message


My HandyBok Are Gigantic

1. My Handybok are playing:
$ Club Penguin (as Wead Wonce or Penguinx99)
$ GardenParty World: as Farmer Biwang)
$ Chobots (as BiwangBots)
$ Spineworld (as Frencis)
$ Yahoo Messenger (As amridhwan)
$ Blogger (as myhandybok)
$ Skater (as Wead Wonce)


Raye menjelang dengan beberapa jam dan saat lagi!!

Hari Raye na tiba.. Kad raya blog nie belom buat.. Sungguh sedih but gembira kerana raya nak tiba!! Kad raye siap esok.. Insyaalah.. Indu kat puase tapi... puase kan bejalan bile bile. tahun depan pun boleh...

for this post, i publish first but the raya card i publish tomorrow with the fast and the furry..

Raye and Raye and Raye!!!!

Oik! Lame tak posting... First, Happy Holidays for all Muslim and Muslimin ... You all deserved it.. for fasting one month!! Yeahoo!! Second, Free Chatting with me!! Using my " amridhwan " Y! Messenger, all muslim and muslimin include the christian can chat with me! Online for EVERYDAY! Third, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..! Maaf Zahir dan Juga Batin!! Harap segala dosa diampunkan Allah dan seluruh kaum Islam... Amin dan Insyaallah.. Fourth, RT (Rumah Terbuka or Open House) Lot 458, Lorong 1B Jalan Lembah Hijau Riam 98000 Miri Sarawak!! Semenanjung pun can come... P/S: Buy your own tickets la... :p Fifth, UPSR are now finished... BUT!! i have story-telling, nasyid, choir and many more..... MY BRAIN GONNA BLOW UP!! Sixth, Harap diampun segala dosa...


Anak Seluang dimakan beranak,
Anak Kaloi ditinggal bersama,
Kami sekeluarga anak beranak,
Selamat Hari Raya!



Hai.. Sepatutnya saya nie berada di Surau untuk "join in" khatamal quran... tetapi yang saya lazy nya disini, pembacaan khatamal telah pun bermula dan dari rumah ini sudah saya dengar orang baca quran... so sad.. tapi, boleh baca kat rumah...


Club Penguin Tips

///// Club Penguin Tips: How to know when is the time \\\\\

Example: Club Penguin Malaysia User was online on 9:00 PM so The Club Penguin Time is: 6:00 AM PST

So the next day on club penguin started on 3:00 PM Malaysian Time aka 0:00 AM PST

Happy Knowing The Several Time!!!!

Cara-Cara Menjawab Soalan Matematik Kertas 2

********** Mathematics Paper 2 Clone Question **********

How to do: Answer all questions. You are given just 40 MINUTES to answer all questions. If you unable to answer it, please proceed to other question by marking them. Do your works. It may help you get more marks.

Question 1 Marks: Answer it. Must double-check the answer. To get marks, must right the correct questions, if your symbol like 768 - 566 = ___ are change into 768 + 566 = ___ your answer are TOTALLY wrong

Question 2 Marks: Answer it. Must triple-check the answer. To get marks, must have the work and the correct answer. If your answer was INCORRECT but you have the work, you just get 1 Marks

Question 3 Marks: Answer it. Must quarderpal-check the answer. To get marks, must have the correct symbol, the work and the correct answer. If you incorrect answer and no work but have the correct symbol, you just get 1 Marks.

END ---- From: Oxford Learning Skills

Teknik Menjawab Soalan Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 2

********** Technique Answering English Paper 2 **********

English Paper 2 Section A (10 Marks)
How to answer: Write five (Simple & Complex) sentences. Just ONE sentence in each bar. No TWO or MORE conjunctions in each bar.

Write 5 words refer to the pictures

Clone Pictures:
One boy walking on the streets with his friends. Suddenly, the boy sees a kitten that in the

  1. Yesterday, Abu was walking with his friend along the drain.
  2. On the way to home, there was a kitten in the drain.
  3. Abu took the kitten and bought her to home.
  4. At home, Abu bathed it, feed it until it fell asleep
  5. After the kitten slept, Abu told to his mom to took care it and name it Kitty.
English Paper 2 Section B (Information Transfer) (15 Marks)
How To Do: Table: No dots. Fill in the blanks EXACTLY like what it gives. If possible, write like the examples. Reason: Dots. Must included all the table form. Choose one.

We can't show the table.

English Paper 2 Section C (Make Some Story)
How to do: Write a story about the pictures. Must use all the words that given under the pictures. Must Have: Head, Body, Closure. The story must be above 80 words.

We can't show the story.

END! Book by: Oxford Learning Skills


mR. bLOgS

Name: Ridhwan
Home: Malaysia
Mood: Good, Happy
Likes: Play Club Penguin and Play the Computer Game
Did Not Like: Lie, Didn't have any money, not go to school
Lovely Call: Biwang

Always happy, Not mad, Just a bit, Not to moody, Good, Hardworking, Heard anything that positive, Goodbye for the nagetive, Always Pray to the God, Muslim, Islam, Melanau

Imbasan Kertas Soalan Semester 2 (Bahasa Melayu)

********* Imbasan Ujian Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2 *********

Bahagian A:
Menulis lima ayat merujuk gambar.... (Ayat majmuk, tunggal, kompleks (complex))

Gambar diberi (klon sahaja)

* Gambar sebuah kampung sedang mengadakan
.................................... ................................... .*

Ayat-Ayat Klon:

  1. Kampung ........................ sedang mengadakan gotong royong membersihkan kawasan persekitaran kampung.
  2. Seluruh keluarga dari rumah-rumah datang untuk bersama-sama membersihkan kawasan rumah
  3. Kanak-kanak juga tdak terkecuali dalam gotong royong tersebut
  4. Mereka membersihkan taman permainan merek yang bersebelahan dengan Tadika mereka.
  5. Apabila sudah siap dibersihkan, mereka berasa sungguh gembira keran dapat mengindahkan lagi kawasan persekitaran rumah mereka.

Bahagian B

Pilih satu daripada 3 pilihan...
  1. Andai kata kampung anda mengalami banjir. Tliskan pengalaman anda dan LANGKAH LANGKAH pencegahan.
  2. Tulis syarahan yang bertajuk " Ibu adalah Mutiara Hatiku "
  3. Tuliskan sebuah cerita yang diakhiri dengan
................. sesungguhnya, ibu adalah mutiara bagi kit. Tiada benda yang tidak terlepas selain ibu. Jatuhnya setitik air mata ibu, tidak bermakna hidup kita. Haruslah kita menjadikan ibu sebagai pedoman hidup kerana kita juga akan melalui benda yang sama.
|No. Soalan:| |

Harap maaf. Soalan klon ini berakhir di sini sahaja. Bahagian C tidak dicatit kerana masalah teknikal. Terima kasih dan Salam Ramadhan...


1 Malaysia!

Bendera Berkibar Tak Terkira,
Tandanya Negara Sudah Merdeka,
Sudahlah tiba masanya,
Negara Kita Sambut Harinya!

Malaysia telahpun berjaya, dalam pelbagai versi, ciri, harapan, dugaan dan bermacam lagi. Malaysia sudah 52 Tahun merdeka dan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak adalah penyambung dimensi dari satu dekad ke satu dekad.

Negara kita ramai penduduk,
Cina dan Iban sama sama di tunjuk,
Kaum dan masyarakat sama dipupuk,
Untuk mencapai satu tunjuk!

Harapan Dato' Seri Najib ialah Negara kita harmoni dari ancaman musuh. Tunku Abdul Rahman adalah pengerak wawasan negara dan Bapa Malaysia Pertama Negara yang telah menyumbang kepada kita untuk tinggal di Negara yang aman damai...

Sama samalah kita sepakat kearah globalisasi dan sama sama kita memupuk semangat


Rakyat Didahulukan!
Pencapaian Diutamakan!


Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan

Hai hai, I'm back with my new post: Ramadhan New Year
We knew that Islam needs Ramadhan for completing the third Rukun Islam... I'm now still fasting and didn't know what to do.. So I suggest to make a NEW WEB BLOG at but this is the Blogs..

more post after this thursday.